Forårssæsonen starter mandag d. 13. januar! // English Below
Vi holder online informationsmøde for svømmeskolen søndag d. 12. januar klokken 16-17.
Deltag her:
Efter mødet sendes et referat ud til alle medlemmer
- Rammerne for dagens møde
- Kommunikation med AGF Svømning
- Hvad kan svømning?
- Huskeliste
- Afbud
- Adgang til svømmehallerne + omklædning
- Forældre i hallerne
- Forældresvømning
- Specielt for babyer, småbørn og mindre børn
- Telefoner på bassinkanten
- Lukkedage
- Svømmecamps og øvrige tilbud
- Fritidspas
- Holdsport
- Spørgsmål fra medlemmer
Spring Season starts monday the 13th of January!
We'll be hosting an online infomation meeting on the 12th of January at 4 pm to 5 pm.
Join here:
The meeting will be in danish, but a summary of the meeting will be sent out in english after the meeting.
- Meeting structure
- Communication with AGF Swimming
- Benefits of swimming
- Check list
- Absence
- Acces to the pools + locker rooms
- Parents near the pool
- Parent swimming
- Specific info for parents of babies and small children
- Phones at the pools
- Closing days
- Swimming camps and other events
- Leisure Pass
- Holdsport
- Questions from participants